Intelligence First

Nigerian blogs,politic, science,football,terrorism

Wednesday, July 26, 2006



The many issues involved in the topical discussion of sex portray one motion in a bewildering multiplicity of milieu. From the conservative religious perspective to the slack freelance outlook of everyday people; the objective approach of this analysis is devoid of ethical standards of appraisal.

RELATIONSHIP – Sex is, generally, a presumed outcome of relationship, otherwise it is commercial. In religion it is the necessary incidence of marriage to consummate it. Relationships are based on trust; thus sex eschews infidelity. Over time, the harmony of souls produces one musical flesh. Interferences can produce metallic notes are rap strains.

PLEASURE – The common impression is that sex is God’s gift to man as reward for union. This, however, raises problems of the types of union approved of by Him. May couple consent to engage in unnatural sex? No scientific proof is needed to establish the efficacy of pleasure in sex. The issue is should the ‘delight’ be engineered for ‘fun’ as an end, or should the sensibilities enjoyed be a means to an end – procreation.

FERTILITY – The design of sex as merely a machinery of production would incriminate many who have no delight in making seed. Stone-age mentality. The question is, are couples not at liberty to decide on the use of their lives and size of their families? Indeed it is poor logic to say, ‘as was bestowed on you so you ought to endow another with life.’ Life hinges on a sequence of decisions made; there have been kids that terminated marriages, or worse still, shortened the lives of their parents.

SECRECY – One hallmark of maturity is the ability to hold in reserve certain matters marked ‘only you.’ The temptation to belong pulls the weak to divulge matters retrieved from an inner degree of separation. This ‘sin of Saul’ that makes the ‘parroter’ small in his own eye is mock humility and debases the one betrayed in trust. Values between two are inherent in mutual ‘understanding’ and image, which are not extrinsic.

TYPE – A mate to qualify for sex ought to be of one’s type to evince taste. The world is full of sick characters. A random tester skirts and trousers is sure sign of one. He fills his flesh with bad electricity. Electromagnetism in humans is an undiscovered area that leaves people in ignorance of problems in health and business. Contrary to popular view type relates in no way to class. Two from different cadres of lives may belong.

STATUS – Position, authority and power are strong lines of attraction along which persons are drawn to associate naturally. This in no way nullifies the possibility of excellent partners outside one’s class of peers, however rarely they come without problems. Once decided on a partner of humble estate, one unequivocally assents to descend from his high horse. A further air of superiority will be condescending and unacceptable.

MATURITY – To become a man takes more than a barrel chest and deep drawl. Financial foresight is all about love as females see men as ‘walking-wallets’: no romance without finance. ‘what have you done for me lately’. Perform and shut up: a talkative is wrong number.

PROWESS – (1) Economic prowess defines manhood before all considerations. Pay the piper and dictate. When the music fails to charm the serpent, it just bites.
(2) A one-minute-man should sooner apply for sex change. I found out that a man who refrains from sex not by divine grace but by his might, or the lack, soon enough loses physical prowess…the poor get poorer. Young ladies feel safely drawn to attached men. Where the carcass is there the vultures gather.

MOTIVATION – Sex is the highest vehicle of adrenaline release. Aggressive inspiration is sourced and found in loved ones. Unfortunately, this virtue does not subsist in commercial sex. Indeed, the exact opposite of this blessing is the case. The ‘fake’ charge of comfort purchased poisons the cells to acidic discharge and keeps the infected victim coming back for more addictive ‘pre-paid sex.’

GRATIFICATION – Some couples conscientiously utilize sex as a token of reward for accomplishment achieved. In the movie ‘White Men Can’t Jump’, Wesley Snipes exploited successfully this resource to his benefit. It is, however, shortsighted and ill-advised. A union where the ‘red-light special’ is reserved for days a man gets paid is commercialized. A hubby should be well sexed always. Everyday is Christmas.

ASSAULT – In the combat movie, ‘Boys In Company C’ the troops of Tyrone Washington’s platoon were told in training: ‘Your penis is a weapon.’ Even in peace time, some Johns in vengeance cane close female affiliates of another. In ‘The Best Man,’ Harper thought his dick a mallet of Nemesis for the promiscuity of the Groom.

INTIMIDATION – Some persons in authority trade their amorous desires for gratification of their preys in need. The consideration that constitutes bargaining chip for offeror is his authority, the momentary enjoyment of which the subject/prey must pay for in electric charge.



International law, unlike municipal law, deals with matters between state parties. Municipal law is concerned with matters between persons or person and state. The war on terror defies both applications to engage person versus state, at the international level.

On September 11th, 2001, the United States witnessed the most dastardly acts mankind had hitherto experienced. These acts, in concerted effort ushered in a new day—an age of terror. Blind rage was unleashed upon innocent citizens, for no just cause, to no specific end but to cause grievous harm. The body count was awesome.

Since then, the war has raged on a different battlefield.

War in Iraq and the Camp Delta, Guantanamo is where we are now. The former is a whole in the wall, while the latter is a stain in the sheets. What is the way forward? How did we get here? Notable is the profound silence from the legal arm of the law and the loud noise from the ‘Police’ functions of the US, extended into an ad hoc military exploit with inexplicable provisos.

Though the perpetrators of 9/11 neither tendered apologies or proffered reasons, it may be deduced that gross dissatisfaction of an aggravated nature must have inspired so unnatural a motive that moved men to undertake years of research and planning that would have impressed Albert Einstein and Romeo. The carnage though, only the likes of the Jackal could appreciate.

Demonic wisdom of inordinate capacity must have designed the possibility of reversing such a colossal metallic edifice at twice the heat of the sun, within minutes. Why should a man love his enemy dead so much as to lay down his own life to that effect? Even Samson would have refrained had he so much as a ray of hope to depend upon!

Could the strikers hail from roots in worse conditions than Samson’s? Are their ‘heroic’ deeds futuristic for the liberation of their people?

This is not very likely by the claims and circumstances of the prime suspect. The Al Qaeda and its leader represent no known people or nation. Unfortunately, the random and systematic attack of the US since then would seem to single out nations, races, cultures and a religion. This at best is a recipe for disaster.

The European press recently felt at liberty to give vent to its fury by inciting publications that ridiculed a religion. This is pardonable because Europe is reputed to be ‘Godless,’ so would hardly know what it feels like to have one’s religion ridiculed; especially one riddled with several militant zealot arms, at that.

Religion is a paraffin: it capitalizes on human sentiments rather than reason. In an age when leaders exploit their control and religious affiliations to perpetrate mayhem, the resultant progress is a drunken sway between extremes of polarized convictions. Two wrongs must work out and find one right solution.

As petty grievances culminated into a deadlock, which erupted in grievous conflict so small measures will bring about gradual solution. What situation could be worse than Samson’s: captured, gored, taunted, humiliated and ridiculed publicly. A complex knot of the sort should first be broken into distinct areas of human endeavor for appropriate measures. Political, economic, social and religious issues should be addressed on each front by persons most versatile in those areas.

The earth is ours to share equally. The days of pushing some out are over: a gun shot, now is a bullet expected back. So, though you answer a fool not to have him think himself wise; do not answer him always lest you be one such as he!



Marriage is the highest level of status a man can attain in the home. It comes with little or no fee at all, yet is no menial task to accomplish. As the topmost rank in family life, it can afford no further promotion. All trophies brought home must be laid at the feet of the bride. This is done with all pride at first, when love speaks a fresh language.

However, with time sentiments wear thin as responsibility grows. Some partners indulge less while others completely forget to say ‘I love you’. Love is a tender spirit that feeds on flowers. One sweet word missed, one act left undone bear fatal consequences.

A spate of divorces mars society today as unhappy ends to pleasurable bliss. The kids are the unfortunate victims that bear the brunt of such misadventures. A string of single parenthood is the inevitable consequence that breeds many-a-problem child.

I put it to you: love is a faulty foundation to base marriage on.

It is first unafrican to wear one’s emotions on one’s sleeves. Love openly expressed in pre-colonial times was show of weakness on the part of the male. This is not to solicit a return to cave time practices, but is an attempt to retrace undue influences of Western style civilization upon our psyche and to show where to throw in the towel.

Christian marriage as is understood today is a deliberate rejection of the African native cultural practice and goal of life, which accords more with the Islamic faith. To the African the goal of life is ‘procreation’ and marriage is a means towards that end. Unfortunate is the ‘Dyna’ who finds herself incapacitated. From unhappy matrimonial life to accusations of witchcraft her betrays to total rejection of the strict liability to fruitfulness.

So indeed in the subconscious what Nigerians actually practice is an outward manifestation of Western style of wedlock and an inward profession to recognize African belief patterns and usages in marriage.

The ‘White-garment’ ‘I do’ wedding practiced as ‘Christian Marriage’ in church is a subterfuge of a crafty intrusion of English culture into the civilized customary norm.

Christianity was founded by Jesus, the Christ known to the world and given to the Jews who was rejected in wait of their own messiah even unto this day. All through His lifetime His ministry sought to win the awareness of His race; they lacked an understanding of His mission right from His birth. After His death, He instructed His disciples to spread the gospel in a partial Diaspora. His disciples did just that taking it in the stages: from Judea, Samaria …to the rest of the world.

Soon enough the Christian faith came to become an ‘ownerless’ religion not being recognized in the place of its nativity. The welcome contributions of King James in support of the German reformer who boldly questioned the current practices that characterized the faith under the Middle-Age Papacy, was quite timely. Though the demise of the royalty saw an end to security for the reformer, the King had etched his name in the worthy work of interpretation of the Bible that bears the seal today as the most authentic study Bible irrespective of human error.

With time came more worthwhile contributions of the English while criticisms heaped on Roman state religion which in the first place had had a crude adoption as a political gambit to appeal to popular adherence to the rule of law in the empire. This healthy environment created for spiritual transformation in England, away from the reach of the tribulations of Rome; saw a resurgence of faith with the formidable strides of the likes of the Wesley brothers, St. Thomas, the Waldenses, the Jesuits etc.

Close association of Christianity with the English was stretched to the extent that it was believed the first man ‘Adam’, must have been English, as the original translation ‘Ish’ is found in no other language but ‘English’.

England became the new springboard for resurgence of study and worship after a thousand years of the Dark Ages. From there the Pilgrim Fathers set sail to found America ‘In God We Trust’, while missionaries came to establish education and agriculture as good substitutes for Slave Trade in Nigeria.

Since missionary activity was limited to Southern Nigeria, the Christian goal of life in the South soon became ‘union of man and wife to the exclusion of all others’. This exclusive culture of the English has also been stretched far to exclude all Nigerians from state welfare by the malpractices of indulgent leadership.

Exclusive tendencies are foreign to native Nigerians who partake of shared meals, beds and fate.

Polygamy is now interpreted as a profound evil from the pulpit though Scriptures records bear no such evidence. God’s promise to David was:

‘And I gave thee thy masters house, and thy masters wives into thy bosom; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things..’2Sam:12;8

Some pastors argue that times have changed with structures; well how come the practice of tithing has not gone down with the Aaronic Priesthood and Temple worship.

The New Testament simply says that a leader in church should not be a husband of more than one wife: depicting polygamy as an unadvisable practice.

Alternatively, the vow ‘I do’, found nowhere in the Bible is so often broken with damn consequences. It is better not to make a vow to God than to do so and break it on the flimsy grounds such as one’s need for an offspring irrespective of the wife’s barrenness. Unlike Abraham, it would amount to covetousness to desire a child without sufficient faith to obtain healing for a fertile wife. Abraham who though was under no vow but was singly married to his wife out of love, when she permitted him to marry her maidservant found nothing wrong in a second wife; though God had then bowed to his desire for a son, he took his slave maid at his wife’s consent.



Pyongyang’s leader is a man of reported erratic behavior. His consistent acts in maladjustments have earned him an image of one disconnected from the rest of the world. He follows a pattern already sketched out by history. It seems in good taste to tolerate a comic character as a Head of Government that craves for global recognition. Beyond this façade lurks the pressure of high powered lobbying in international politics.

The flimsiest of causes that delineates nations into factions is the last straw that will usher in the Third World War.

The world would have thought it a ridiculous story that a second-rate art school drop-out whose hatred for his dad even in death was surpassed only by a shared hatred of the Jewish race. This suspended motivation was to give him zest after his full employment of giving lectures to drunks at pubs finally paid off. The alcoholics, too glad to enjoy elitist wisdom which held the Kaiser in disdain could at least accept to march out on a certain day and take over the realms of power. This man was Hitler.

Shooting missiles for fireworks is but the latest in his exploits of expensive play-games within a despondent economy. Seven missiles, with one long range, should prove a point to an unbelieving world. Should that not communicate loud enough a warning, the follow-up would.

Iran, backed by Russian word of power, is bombarded with consolatory offers for forestalling plans on an attempt to build a nuclear power reactor. The bigger the threat the greater the consolation – so seven launches go up in smoke.

A guilt complex begets fearful hearts in the less than holy.

Russia affirms that it was communism and the USSR that fell and not Russia. Japan sues for sanctions, but China says no.

Divided loyalties redefine allegiances forming Blocs. Convictions crystallize around extra-perceptive causes. Nervous factors get quickly imported into feuds by leftists to achieve popular poise among the undecided. The final brew comes in a blend of socio-political, socio-economic mix.

The most nauseating fact is the way economic factors overwhelm all other reasons. Any taboo that involves money is hard to abandon. Any activity mingled with money is quickly overtaken by cash concerns.

Mercenary warfare quickly subverts military prowess. Economic interests breed new strands in violence. New-age militia with suicidal bent adds carnage to volition. Worse is the fact that these life-bombs amazingly come at a price: payable to next-of-kin after death.

Why should ideals be pursued on an equated platform alongside pecuniary profits to self?

This dearth of idealism promotes realists of Machiavellian school to seem quite rational in the light of double-standards both ways. More disturbing is the thought that even in the heat of clanging metal contenders still find time enough for on-the-spot assessment of loop opportunities to make cash. Life would seem of subordinate significance to the booty.

The deifying of lucre operates to subjugate the sanctity of a human life.

In a vicious circle, the rat race operates in a puzzle with power stifling cashflow to a stranglehold at the lower rungs, while creating a buzz that presents opportunities to higher levels. Wealth created is equitably distributed among membership of both sides of the same class—the rich and powerful. Such preoccupation engenders in the user of money the profound ethereal significance of money to life and preeminence. This renders possession the equivalent of a new birth into a world of mission.

The experience remains untold within the ranks of those bestowed.

A cabal of wealth and power is born a syndrome of the marked generation—X. Unseemly and seemingly odd affiliations mark the terrain of human activity. Any nuisance would amount to a speck of dust in the nuzzle, while contending interests between factions would amount to problems for the world beneath, not party to or in consequence of any bargain worthy of their demise.

Power without control rules the world of broken foundations and twisted standards. What happens to one extra venture of inordinate proportion and ill-timed according to world events? Would his crime be breaking the norm by ‘unreasonable force’, even when that force were merely applied as a threat rather than an attempt? Or would new standards be imported to control sudden attempts to rise to preeminence by braggardo?