What is The Law?
The law is an incoherent, Inconsistent piece of mumbo-jumbo that has solution to nothing and does no good.
Is it not said that the law was meant for man not man for the law?
Every country has a big book of laws called the constitution, yet people commit offences and go scot free. There are uncountable cases in history when men have defied these laws and were yet defended to freedom with the same law they defied.
Till date, very few people in the world will be taken in by the story that O. J .Simpson did not kill his wife. The evidence was all clear, the attitude of the man which till date is unrepentant so much that last year he wrote a book elaborating how he would have killed his wife if he were the murderer. This mean figure was set free based on the tenets of the same law he defied.
The inquest on the death of Dodi and Princess Diana is yet to be concluded. So much is coming to the fore with the law appearing to be trying to cover up facts while the same law is working hard to bring the truth to light. While this is yet to be concluded, nothing stops a personal opinion, that whoever perpetrated this heinous act must have done so in protection of an aged long tradition of which probably forms the basis of a law.
In Nigeria, the constitution, and every other piece of its amendments smacks of so much confusion that you begin to wonder ‘what shall a righteous man do?’
There is hardly any page of the Nigerian constitution without a contradiction. I think one would have done nothing wrong if the words ‘law’ and ‘inconsistency’ are use interchangeably.
A typical situation is the law that claims to protect the right of the Tenant and Landlord. At the end of the day, it has caused more confusion that brings solutions. When will the law start proffering solutions to problems affecting real humans? What we have now is a law that tries to run the affairs of imaginary people.