Intelligence First

Nigerian blogs,politic, science,football,terrorism

Wednesday, July 26, 2006



Pyongyang’s leader is a man of reported erratic behavior. His consistent acts in maladjustments have earned him an image of one disconnected from the rest of the world. He follows a pattern already sketched out by history. It seems in good taste to tolerate a comic character as a Head of Government that craves for global recognition. Beyond this façade lurks the pressure of high powered lobbying in international politics.

The flimsiest of causes that delineates nations into factions is the last straw that will usher in the Third World War.

The world would have thought it a ridiculous story that a second-rate art school drop-out whose hatred for his dad even in death was surpassed only by a shared hatred of the Jewish race. This suspended motivation was to give him zest after his full employment of giving lectures to drunks at pubs finally paid off. The alcoholics, too glad to enjoy elitist wisdom which held the Kaiser in disdain could at least accept to march out on a certain day and take over the realms of power. This man was Hitler.

Shooting missiles for fireworks is but the latest in his exploits of expensive play-games within a despondent economy. Seven missiles, with one long range, should prove a point to an unbelieving world. Should that not communicate loud enough a warning, the follow-up would.

Iran, backed by Russian word of power, is bombarded with consolatory offers for forestalling plans on an attempt to build a nuclear power reactor. The bigger the threat the greater the consolation – so seven launches go up in smoke.

A guilt complex begets fearful hearts in the less than holy.

Russia affirms that it was communism and the USSR that fell and not Russia. Japan sues for sanctions, but China says no.

Divided loyalties redefine allegiances forming Blocs. Convictions crystallize around extra-perceptive causes. Nervous factors get quickly imported into feuds by leftists to achieve popular poise among the undecided. The final brew comes in a blend of socio-political, socio-economic mix.

The most nauseating fact is the way economic factors overwhelm all other reasons. Any taboo that involves money is hard to abandon. Any activity mingled with money is quickly overtaken by cash concerns.

Mercenary warfare quickly subverts military prowess. Economic interests breed new strands in violence. New-age militia with suicidal bent adds carnage to volition. Worse is the fact that these life-bombs amazingly come at a price: payable to next-of-kin after death.

Why should ideals be pursued on an equated platform alongside pecuniary profits to self?

This dearth of idealism promotes realists of Machiavellian school to seem quite rational in the light of double-standards both ways. More disturbing is the thought that even in the heat of clanging metal contenders still find time enough for on-the-spot assessment of loop opportunities to make cash. Life would seem of subordinate significance to the booty.

The deifying of lucre operates to subjugate the sanctity of a human life.

In a vicious circle, the rat race operates in a puzzle with power stifling cashflow to a stranglehold at the lower rungs, while creating a buzz that presents opportunities to higher levels. Wealth created is equitably distributed among membership of both sides of the same class—the rich and powerful. Such preoccupation engenders in the user of money the profound ethereal significance of money to life and preeminence. This renders possession the equivalent of a new birth into a world of mission.

The experience remains untold within the ranks of those bestowed.

A cabal of wealth and power is born a syndrome of the marked generation—X. Unseemly and seemingly odd affiliations mark the terrain of human activity. Any nuisance would amount to a speck of dust in the nuzzle, while contending interests between factions would amount to problems for the world beneath, not party to or in consequence of any bargain worthy of their demise.

Power without control rules the world of broken foundations and twisted standards. What happens to one extra venture of inordinate proportion and ill-timed according to world events? Would his crime be breaking the norm by ‘unreasonable force’, even when that force were merely applied as a threat rather than an attempt? Or would new standards be imported to control sudden attempts to rise to preeminence by braggardo?


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