Intelligence First

Nigerian blogs,politic, science,football,terrorism

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Falling To Power

There exists no evidence to indicate the notion of a rise into power. Overwhelming volume of facts substantiates the suggestion that an individual adorns himself with influence and control over men by a fall to power.

In his journey through earth life, a man of influence recognizes first the seed of destiny planted in him. He is entitled by choice to one of two reactions: either to conform to the forces of nature and yield his will as an instrument of instruction or to revolt against the idea of man as a prostrate spirit and conceive of his own notion of what can be done and should be done to etch his name in history.

The tragedy of such conception of an alternative source of ideas to materialize his every will by the use of men to fulfill all purposes comes with a high price that must be paid for in blood. Almost always of the rivers of blood that excludes that of the “nature rebel”.

The craving for power manifests its ugly head right from the wrangling of the foetus in mid pregnancy. A twin circumventing another to take the place cardinal of first borne; the periodic and regular kicking of a child against the mother for attention; the excitement of an unborn child at the sound of an important voice all tell of a desire to be associated with power manifesting in yet-to-be born-babies. It doesn’t take intelligence.

Intelligence is associated with the constitution of the human body formation. This makes it probable beyond all doubt that a superior intelligence exists which orders the running of natural functions according to natural laws without and beyond the knowledge of inferior mortals. Interferences with such laws and a consequently disbalance of an excellent system struck on a delicate superstructure is the only possible contribution mortal minds are capable of.

What is deemed to be scientific advancement is wisdom interforetes for rude intrusions into the intricate complexities of a world culminated from a placement and subsistence of mind boggling infinitum of dimensions.

Two ultimate desires fight for pre-eminence in the hearts of men. Power and Intelligence. Power is the sound of a rushing mighty mind or the sound of a massive burst of water. Intelligence is the smooth running of matter according to function in operation or the regulation in the invisible realm of order according to law.

Whole intelligence is concerned with mathematical outcome by the working of laid down structures and systems to achieve the desired effect; power is occupied with the end alone: what unequivocally interjects “the end justifies the means”.

This does not , however, make black horse of power. The pillars of the spiritual world were planted on power. The kingdom of God is established by power. From heaven God ordained a settled law: that this world shall be ruled by power.

The difference, however, between God’s purpose for the earth and what obtains today is the fact that he intended for power to be achieved through the application of wisdom or intelligence. Now the race is not to the swift and power is unto the forceful. The violent possesses by force.

Force equals work done: what is achieved no matter what. This desperate exercise to achieved power at all cost finds justification by the adornment of authority .Yet, whole force focuses on power as an end to a means, the rightful vesting of power should be as a means to an end. Force never lasts in power as it is at its end right from the beginning of the vesting of power.

Every step leads in a progressive decline afterwards. Time is the only traveler that testifies of the fact of destiny.

Potential power lies dormant until it is upset by a call of nature to make a twist of fate to fulfill destiny. Purpose is usually foreign to power. A natural course of action adorns power with ability and purpose. The desire to yield is the ultimate test The willingness to be used as an instrument of fate to improve ability beyond natural prowess.

The human element is a variable factor: Ego, pride, natural attachment and a sense of responsibility to bring about fulfillment. Responsibility links directly to life and thus to power: all other negative factors downplay the degree of chances. Success must attach to survival without interference for empowerment to surmount the threshold to power. Natural count a lot less than prowess in subjugating personal shortcomings Human tenderness towards error must give way to divine ability towards equity. The minds pre-occupation must be its inability to achieve the great feat which must be achieved by all means. Not at all cost but by all means: including means foreign to the one desirous of such a feat.

This presupposes the need for divine assistance. By an unconscious endeavor , divine favour is elicited by an inner longing beyond prayer. A desire so sublime it speaks volumes in communication to a higher intelligence unknown to be involved and indeed responsible for the leap of fate. So a man is made to speak in tongues of an understanding beyond both his mind and tongue. A hearts language both seeks and finds hidden truths about the reality of treasures.

Opportunity often presents itself in a natural form that defies the range of possibilities acceptable to the human mind. This adds to the adventure of life when one looks back in time. Always in the present, the gravity of situation never affords such luxury of aesthetics and comic relief.

Ironically, time rather impresses the mind about the fatality of the stake at hand. It also seems like now or never.

The basic nature of the man is realized in the equivalent value one attaches to life itself. Where the stake is dangled in excess of life’s value the “movable” move.

That leaves the unmovable qualified for use by the Unmovable Mover.