One Million Naira Is Better Than Nine Hundred Thousand
A man thought to give his wife ten thousand naira for shopping for the month. He proceeded to give her four as the entire sum some for the month. She returned from the market with stories of woe, due to rising prices. Two weeks later she asked for more money on other grounds and got four thousand. After another week, she suffered entirely different circumstances that called for urgent cash disbursal: she got two thousand. She went about light hearted telling whoever cared to listen how her husband loved her.
Another woman got ten thousand naira from her husband. When she asked for more that same month she was denied flatly. She spent the rest of the month sulking. When her husband met with the first husband he was advised on ‘woman finance.’
The next month the first husband received a windfall and began to live large. When he gave his wife a million for the month, she came back broke mid-week. Nonplussed, he shared his surprise with his driver. The driver advised: ‘Sir, with women one million is better than nine hundred thousand; I gave my girlfriend twenty thousand, still she succumbed to the street trader for a hundred naira. Twenty thousand one hundred is better than twenty thousand.