Intelligence First

Nigerian blogs,politic, science,football,terrorism

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

There exists a steady trend in world affairs to the observing eye. In the contest for global domination between Capitalism and Islam, much of the fighting is done in subterfuge and under-the-sheets. Hardly does tranquility run skin deep between bouts of breach of peace.

Though it remains unfathomably amazing to decipher how religion and politics cross swords in contemporary times as this. Upon closer scrutiny interlocking spheres of interest render theocracy and democracy strictly incompatible just as much as free market forces and the laissez faire attitude cannot confirm well with the less tolerant restrictions of liberty in Islamic law and customs.

Unfortunate for posterity, issues such as this are not subject to round-table deliberations as conviction borne of orientation runs deeper than logic. Reason must bow to belief any day.

This double-right syndrome, ironically subsists even with persons of no religious background. In the absence of belief patterns logic takes the place of ideals. The holder of a view believes his perspective to be the right stance.

The human error exists in the supposed assumption that one’s custom and practice is the correct thing to do. Room is not made in child orientation to accommodate a different perspective of a neighbor next door. The fear probably exists in the threat that the foreign culture may present to posterity and the possibility of a future rejection of self and culture in much the same way hybrid species wipe out completely local strands.

Take away the espionage and politicking through lobbyists, what really gets irksome is the breach of established international conventions for smooth noninterference of civil life in the eventuality of the outbreak of war between countries.

The latest in this trend is the hiding behind battle-line as well as the use of human shield in the pursuit of serious ideals. How could persons bold enough to sign off self on suicide exploits turn around and use women and children to awaken international sentiments to further their cause. Ninja tactics such as these eschew honor which is a supposedly high factor on their religious agenda.

The Taliban nurtured itself like a fat worm under the Afghanistan Government which took a toll on civilian life to expunge and now it’s Hezbollah that costs Lebanon this much to undo.

Israel speaks on a table with the Lebanese authorities and exchanges rockets in the field with Hezbollah: it all makes little sense at law.

Maybe international law should be rewritten to incorporate possible engagement between forces of a given country and militia bands from another coming under ‘armed attack’ in international warfare.


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